You can configure existing forms with PayPal from this page. You can get list of all forms which are already configured with PayPal from this page.
You can get form list along with Total transactions from this form, Total Amount of all successful transaction etc.
You can edit existing form’s PayPal configuration option by clicking on "Edit Configuration" icon. You can view all transactions of any specific form by clicking on "Transaction" icon from list. Or if you want to delete configuration for any form, just click on "Delete" icon.
You can configure new form by clicking on "Configure New Form" button from top right corner.

You can configure your existing form with PayPal from this page. You can select form from dropdown with form list. You can provide your merchant Email address and select Payment mode from this page. Select "Test" to check transaction with sandbox mode.
You can configure Multiple Payment Type as well.
- Product / Service : This Payment type will accept all product / service type payment.
- Donation : This Payment type will accept all Donations type payment.
- Subscription : This Payment type will accept payment on predefind recurring basis. You can decide Billing Cycle and Toal number of occurance. You can also place trial transactions.
Conditional Payment Type ( Product/Service and Subscription Together )
You can set multiple payment method together conditionally. That means, If you want to accept payment through Product/Service as well as Subscription, you can set condition for that and based on user selection, You can accept payment.
If you want to accept payment without any condition, Select "Single Payment" option and configure "Product / Service" Or "Subscription" Payment method.
If you want to accept payment conditionally for "Product/Service" and "Subscription", Select "Multiple / Combination payment and then set conditions for "Product/Service" and "Subscription".
For example, If user will select One Time Payment from the form, than accept payment through "Product/Service" and set Amount field there, And if user will select Recurring Payment than accept payment through "Subscription"
You can set multiple conditions for subscription payment method.
If you have multiple Options for Subscription Conditions, and you want to accept payment based on user selected plan, you can set conditions there.
For example, If user will select Monthly Subscription, Than set condition according to that. Accept payment through Subscription "XXX" if field "XXX" has Value "XXX" and like wise.
You can get more idea regarding multiple Payment Method conditions from above image.
Multiple Currency Support
ARForms PayPal plugin support multiple currency. You can get all transaction in your native currency. If you want to collect shipping information from customer while payment, check “Collect shipping info”option. You will get all PayPal shipping field which you can map with form fields.
Dynamic Amount
You can set dynamic Amount with ARForms PayPal plugin. You can map Amount field with form field. When user will fill that form and enter value in select Amount field, plugin will set amount with PayPal Amount field. This is how you will set dynamic price with PayPal.
Cancel And Continue Transaction
You can also set Continue button label which you can see on PayPal page while making transaction. You can also set cancel page URL where you want to redirect your customers while cancelling transaction. If you leave it blank than plugin would redirect customers to site home page.
Payment Success Redirection
The important thing you can mange is Return Action after transaction. You can set what action should be performed after transaction is made. You can select option like to display success message or display content from another page or redirect users to external URL.